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Ami Budva Petrovac is a 5* star luxury hotel in a beautiful and peaceful town Petrovac. It’s the ideal place for unique moments of relaxation, tranquility and contemporary style, nestled between olive and pine trees and beautiful sandy beaches. It’s beautiful sea view is undoubtedly one of the top attractions of the hotel.
Te Perfshira
Krishlindje ne Hotel Ami Petrovac
Akomodim Ne dhome standarte
Mengjes dhe darke e perfshire
Femija deri 0-6.99 falas
Perdorimi i spa , pishina e brendshe , sauna , palester
20% zbritje per masazhet
Kids club per femijet deri ne 7 vjec
Sea View Room Supplement: additional 20.00€ per day.
Children aged 7-12 years are charged 50% of the adult rate.
City tax and insurance are not included in the price: 1.50€ per person/per day, children from 0-12 years old pay 0.50€ per day, children from 12-18 years old pay 1.00€ per day.
Te Paperfshira
Shtesa per dhome me pamje nga deti 20.00€ per dite
Femijet 7-12 vjec 50% zbritje .
City tax : 1.50€ per person/per dite